Hello again today I am writing another summer learning journey activity but this time it is about Donald John Trump. He is recently from Queens New York and is currently the president of the whole entire world. Trump is recently the 45 president but not for long I recon People think he is really great but he is trying to build a wall around Mexico. He became president in January 20/2017 and replaced Barack Obama. I have finally made my mind up about the summer learning journey and I can not do the summer learning journey because I will be in Australia but I still suggest you do it.
I am a student at Bay of Islands College in Kawakawa, New Zealand. This is a place where I share my learning.
Thursday, 5 December 2019
Wednesday, 4 December 2019
Summer learning journey teaser week day 2 task
Today I am doing the summer learning journey about Garry Kasparov He is from Russia he was born 13 April 1963 in Baku Azerbaijan He was the World Chess Champion from 1985 to 2000. Garry won for fifteen straight years until he was beaten by Bobby Fischer. Garry was the best chest player from 1986 until 2005 and he could play without a board and still remember his plays I still dont know if I still want do summer learning journey but I suggest you do it.
Monday, 2 December 2019
New Zealand royalty
Today I am doing the summer learning journey about Ella Marija Lani Yelich-O'Connor she came straight out of New Zeland. In 2013 she was about 17. She is a singer and i dont know if I want to do summer learning journey but I suggest you do it.
Thursday, 28 November 2019
My letter to ta Hemi Henare
I have write a letter to Ta Hemi henare and how he inspired me and others and how he left his legacy.
Thursday, 8 August 2019
Free writing
This week in writing I have been learning how to free write. Its when we relate it to the topic that we were given into a beautiful piece of writing. The hard part was coming up with listing words. The easy part was adding vocabulary and getting the idea of free writing.
Wednesday, 3 July 2019
Making hangi
Monday, 24 June 2019
persuasive writing
Today in writing we revisited o.r.e.o writing. I tried to get someone to agree with me on the same subject. What really helped me was the game. The subject was should we have animals as pets yes or no? We split up in groups on what we agreed on and we had to give reasons. The hard part was coming up with reasons on my own. The easy part was helping to come up with some of the reasons in a group. My next step is to give examples to back up my reasons.
Friday, 21 June 2019
narrative writing
Last weeks I have been learning how to write a narrative piece of writing the easy part was coming up with creative words to use in my story. The hard part was trying to find where those words would fit in and if they where the right meaning that i nead.
The homeless man and a dog
The homeless man and a dog
What's that stench it smells like dog sleeping next to my bed I’ve made from old cardboard that I found in a dumpster. There it is. It might be homeless like me? I let it stay for the night next to my box.In the morning I wake up itchy, feeling not normal. l think i'm a dog.
People want to take me I ran I suddenly wondered into an ally leading right to an arena in the middle of the night. Surround with competitive gamblers I am terrified still wondering what happened last night ever since that dog came Things have been different. First I get chased and now i'm in an arena where to hide. A group of guys look at me with a funny grin. They pick me up by the neck and rag doll me into a ring. With another dog. He snarls at me, he runs me with high speed, he sinks his teeth into my back. Boom! He bowls me into a wall and he quickly bites my leg. I can't take it anymore pow! I can hear the police kick the door I slowly start to faint from all the blood loss. I wake up at the vet on a
surgery table I overheard the nurses saying they are going to amputate my leg. Boom a needle knocks me out cold. I slowly feel the anesthetic working its way down my body.
It's over I opened my eyes I get lifted into a transportation truck taking me to dog disability foster home. The truck doors open I wanted to run but i noticed my leg was missing. I read the title on the building I was told I needed to get some rest to get up to my full recovery. Two weeks later I went to my normal form as a human then he was told to move out of his area that he was staying. He finally got a job and saved up enough money to by a dog but what he did not know what dog to by. Bark bark he heard then I knew who to buy I zoomed! Right into the foster home he may have had three legs but he was perfect. Then we walked into the sun set and lived happily ever after.
People want to take me I ran I suddenly wondered into an ally leading right to an arena in the middle of the night. Surround with competitive gamblers I am terrified still wondering what happened last night ever since that dog came Things have been different. First I get chased and now i'm in an arena where to hide. A group of guys look at me with a funny grin. They pick me up by the neck and rag doll me into a ring. With another dog. He snarls at me, he runs me with high speed, he sinks his teeth into my back. Boom! He bowls me into a wall and he quickly bites my leg. I can't take it anymore pow! I can hear the police kick the door I slowly start to faint from all the blood loss. I wake up at the vet on a
surgery table I overheard the nurses saying they are going to amputate my leg. Boom a needle knocks me out cold. I slowly feel the anesthetic working its way down my body.
It's over I opened my eyes I get lifted into a transportation truck taking me to dog disability foster home. The truck doors open I wanted to run but i noticed my leg was missing. I read the title on the building I was told I needed to get some rest to get up to my full recovery. Two weeks later I went to my normal form as a human then he was told to move out of his area that he was staying. He finally got a job and saved up enough money to by a dog but what he did not know what dog to by. Bark bark he heard then I knew who to buy I zoomed! Right into the foster home he may have had three legs but he was perfect. Then we walked into the sun set and lived happily ever after.
Monday, 10 June 2019
Watangi trip
This week i have been learning my class Nga Rau Rangatira. went for a trip to watangi to learn about technology. We also learnt about close encounters. learning about close encounters was a great thing to learn about we learnt about Kupe and able Tasman. We learnt that captain cook had traveled all over NZ and named all the islands but didn't get close enough to get any more information. We had a tutu on the vr and went on a few apps that helped with what we were going to put on the vr. Some of the apps paint 3d,sculpt gl. tinker i learnt the most helpful one was paint 3 d. because there is more to do and it looks more creative.
Tuesday, 12 March 2019
mission to Jupiter
This week my group has been reading mission to Jupiter. I did read the hole thing and also summarized lots of key words The easy part was summarizing and learning about the solar system. The hard part was trying to rite down a hole lot of them and trying not to rite the same as my group. Here is a list of the key words. Atmosphere,Galileo,unnamed,Voyager,Io,Europa,orbit,Ganymede,Callisto,Asteroid belt,Jupiter,Nuke Waste.
Wednesday, 27 February 2019
Math worms
This week we have been learning about how to math worms out of blocks and to make different shapes. I have been using lots of ways like counting teens and my next step is algorithm.We were making lots of worms there was even some my teacher seen some different ones. The easy part was to use a systematic table and the hard part was you had to keep the head in front so it was difficult to make some worms.Here is a picture of the systematic table.
Monday, 25 February 2019
today my school went down to opua to go and see one of Hekenukumai waka. We Did some research about him and got told some interesting facts about foraging and things about the waka. It was cool to that Hekenukumai made the waka of a reminder of his wife.
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