Wednesday, 31 May 2017

For the past few weeks i have bean learning how to make a piece of an oro writing 
This weak i have bean learning how to make a design of a hiaki and here is a example of my work Click here

Tuesday, 30 May 2017

food for throat

Today room three had a leasing of what food is healthy and full of sugar and did you no that your body is shaped like a car and also with out cafes you have no energy and your hart is on your left side and most of your body is full of water.

Friday, 26 May 2017

language featuress

This week my class  na ru puaway has bean doing a project of  writing this is what i have bean working on and if you want to make it a success you need mtelemeters ingredients bullet points steps inrockiness the when you are Finnish of you need a closing state mete there you go that is all you need to make your food or a rocket.

Wednesday, 24 May 2017

what wood the world be with planes

i strongly believe that we should have plane so we can meat other people in the world other ways the hole world will be gather all up  in one world and you can go to a other country that you have never experiences before in this big world because this is our country  to and we can do what ever we want also learn new things that you never new that you can do cause with out planes you can never do all that stuff over other country that is my resewn way we should have planes and fly thou the ear 

what you have to do when you catch a tuna

What you do when you catch a tuna you don't eat it straight way you have to cook it first but before you do cute of its tale also gutte it skin it and get all of the meat out make sure it has no blood that is why you clean it in a bucket of water and put gold and sugar and lemon to make it taste better than its kia time.
for the past i have bean learning how to count in fours and also play a game could beeb maybe you could ask you tecther if you can play at your school but dont fo get to live  a comment of how it went here is a example of what you need to count in 4 8 12 16 20 24 30 34 40  

ideas for tuna weapon

For the past few weeks i have bean rehashing a few ideas for making a good weapon to chacsing  tuna i have made my own weapon maybe you should ask your teacher if you can make your own weapon but you have to draw it

Friday, 19 May 2017

Honekai: Hi Kody I like your ten day diary  that you did of hip hop and the very good detail that you added onto your passion.

inquiry fact

For the last few weeks i have bean learning inquiry fact eels the hard part was nowing all of the eels but the easier part was getting to learn about more eels


Some eels can be very shy  from A lot of things  in the world  say like ells  can be very can be Protective of their eggs At All  times.


(Closing statement)

Some of the eels in the  ocean are hardly seen in the world,  like the leopard moray eel .And the dragon eel.  So that's why no one should harm any eels other ways none  of the eels will be seen

Thursday, 18 May 2017


Hello this  week i have bean learning .Witch ways are moden way and witch way is tredcesenile . but the hard part was what  they used and where Moira store  there Tuna that they catch

Friday, 12 May 2017

This is my report writing example


 when  eels go hungry they go hunt for food for themselves they mainly hide under sticks anything that is there cooler and are also very vicious when they hunt.

Thursday, 11 May 2017

Harkeke reading group

For the last two weeks our reading group has bean learning how to make a connection with the information the my reading group as gathered all up together

Tuesday, 9 May 2017

a eels live

for a few weeks i have bean learing what eels eat and there live and this is what i picked live a comment of what what you liked in this video.

griphic organiser

Last week we were of what eels habit and diet appearance and beavy here is an example of my work the hard part was organizing all my fact together in a little amount of time in the in one day.

cheek out my screen castafy and dont for get to leave a comment

Thursday, 4 May 2017